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Showing posts from February, 2019


I got to try my hand at making some music through a website called Soundation. I absolutely love music and listen to it at about any available time, so when I found out that this week I was going to be able to put together my own music/beat I was stoked. It completely held up to my expectations, too. The website was easy enough to work with and didn't present any huge problems. I may just find myself wasting away at time on Soundation from now on. The mix that I put together isn't the greatest in the world but I've never done anything like this before and was having a bit of sensory overload with my excitement. Hopefully I can take some time in the future and refine my skills with this a bit more. If you'd like to listen to what I made just click this link .

Typology Troubles

My next assignment for class was to make a typology, which is a group of pictures that are similar but different. It didn't take me long to figure out what the subject of my pictures was going to be but the editing to get them to all come together gave me a heck of a time. As you already know if you've read my earlier posts, I'm a HUGE hockey fan. I collect all sorts of memorabilia, one of them being bobble heads. I picked out 16 different ones to use for the pictures and I thought I was in the clear. Little did I know I would be sitting at my laptop for a few hours working with the software and attempting to figure it out. Even with the help of videos I was having a rough time. Eventually it all seemed to click and I was able to put together what I think is a pretty decent final project.

Urban Landscape Project

The past few weeks I've spent learning how to edit and produce a short video with pictures that I have taken around my hometown. With the help of Flikr and Animoto I was able to upload, edit, and make this short 30 second clip that I've embedded onto this page. This little project was my first time using both of these programs, but I think it turned out pretty good. I've used other forms of editing and video production before, like Premier Pro, so I'm not completely new to the whole idea. The process was super easy to follow and I would definitely recommend both programs. They're user friendly and make working on a project a breeze.