This weeks project featured ASCII art. I've never worked with this kind of art before but I have seen it before. I actually loved making some of it and it was actually really easy to do with the help of two different programs. The first pictures that I have with this post are of my Mustang. The original picture is on the left and the other is ASCII through text-image.com. I played around with the settings from and changed the text to "Mustang" just to clarify the car in case if anyone wasn't sure what it was. The second picture is the same that I used for last weeks project of a cow. This picture was transformed into ASCII through glassgiant.com. Between the two, I think I prefer text-image.com just because of the customization factor. Everything that I was able to change was on the same page so it made trying different combinations super easy. Both sites give you the chance to change up your pictures a bit.
All-in-all I think they turned out pretty good. I don't know if I could change much more on them then I already tried when I was playing around with settings, so I don't think I would go to much further with either of them. The most difficult part was honestly choosing pictures to use. I spent probably around 20 minutes scrolling through images off of my laptop.
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