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Food, Food, Food

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If you're like me, meal times are something that you look forward to throughout each day. I love food, and not just because I have to have it to survive.

The trouble is eating healthy. Healthier food tends to be more expensive and take longer to prepare than a cheeseburger from McDonald's. We spend so much time throughout the day working, working out, and traveling. Why would we want to spend more time and energy making healthier food?

Easy answer is it's better for you of course. The more difficult answer is the results that you will see when combined with workouts will come faster and more consistently.

A little FYI, fad diets do NOT work! They are not good for your body. There's a reason that the food pyramid exists. Our bodies need everything that is included on that pyramid. Cutting out a certain food group like carbs is not going to lead to long term results. It'll work short term, but that means you're normally just losing water weight.

There is a difference between good carbs and bad carbs, good sugars and bad sugars. We all love pasta and it tastes delicious but it's not a good carb, instead eat some oatmeal. The best way to learn about what is good for you and what isn't is to find a healthy eating cookbook and then do some research about the percentage of different food groups you should be consuming.

I'm not an expert on healthy eating but I do know you can't go wrong with chicken, fish, and salads. And don't forget, a cheat day every now and then isn't a bad thing.


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