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Can You Workout with a Fresh Tattoo?

Can you workout after you have gotten a brand new tattoo? The papers and instructions the tattoo artist will give you will discourage it.

The actual truth is that you can, as long as you are safe about it. The biggest thing is making sure you clean the tattoo immediately following the workout. Most tattoo artists discourage it so the skin is able to heal properly, to avoid possible infections, and to protect the integrity of the tattoo.

Most directions for tattoos include washing it clean twice a day and making sure you apply lotion after the first three days. Outside of that, movement is not inhibited unless you are in pain. For that reason I had no problem working out shortly after receiving my very first tattoo a few months ago.

I made sure I washed it and tried to keep pressure off of it as much as I could to help with the healing process. Working out and playing hockey both did not cause any negative side effects to it. I'm sure that if I would have only washed it once a day or hours after a workout I would have noticed discomfort or at the very least fading of the ink.

Thankfully I had a great tattoo artist that was able to prepare me for the first couple of weeks with my tattoo. Be safe about it but do not be afraid to follow your daily routine after getting some fresh ink.


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